venerdì 31 maggio 2019


after 7 days I managed to arrive at Rzeszów, tomorrow I will start to follow 
the greenvelo route till Augustów, crossing the Poland from South to North,
 quite close to the eastern border. 

7th day

100 km from Tarnów to Rzeszow ;-) Up & Down and finally Sunny day!!!

Not the best bike path but the landscape was amazing 

Some Dinosaurs are always welcome :-)

Everyday I see at least one or two of them along the street 

giovedì 30 maggio 2019

By train

Transfer from Krakow to Tarnów by train... -90km bonus :-)

Dear Poland, please make the elevators in the railway stations slightly larger, thanks ! 

mens sana in corpore sano

6th day just relax and tour around Krakow

Flea Market 

martedì 28 maggio 2019

110 km & rain

 4th day from Ostrava to Brzeszcze

a lot of rain :-( 

Some wooden churches in the countryside 

@ Laziska

@ Golkowice

@ Cwiklice

lunedì 27 maggio 2019

4th day

4th day 😉 studing the best way to leave the city and cross the border, today I will enter Poland 🇵🇱 🚲 

Sleeping with the bike

There is always a first time ;-) 

3rd day

127 km from Kromeriz to Ostrava, up and down through hills.
The way to go in the center of Ostrava was a maze of streets, at the end I stopped 3km far from the center. During the day just few drops of rain. 

a big wall painting at Prerov  

Another amazing bicycle path along the Bečva river !

Greenways from Vienna to Krakow

domenica 26 maggio 2019

Photos - 2nd stage

Easy life - ti piace vincere facile!


I’m loving it! 

Batuv Kanal

Make it easy: take a small river, settle the bank and put some boats & bikes... tourists will come! 

Info points and service stations along the way 


2nd day: 103km

From Lanzhot to Kromeriz
sunny & wonderful bicycle paths 
...still to find something similar in Italy :-(

Thanks very much to Libor and his little Theodor, I had a warm welcome at Kromeriz :-)

I managed to fix the problem with the front wheel :-) never give up !

Many thanks to Pension Toscana, they opened the workshop and let me use the tools

Today I followed mainly the Eurovelo 4

sabato 25 maggio 2019

No border

Slowakische Republik

Eurovelo 13 - Iron Curtain 

Tschechischen Republik 

1. Tag

Am ersten Tag nur 97 km, von Grossenzersdorf nach Lanzhot (in der Tschechischen Republik). Alles in Ordnung, die Beine funktionieren :-) aber leider hatte ich eine Reifenpanne auf die letzten km.

Auf die Plätze, fertig, los! 

Leider keine Fähre, Caronte war im Urlaub

Immer geradeaus!

ist aber gut !

Razione K

venerdì 24 maggio 2019

Bike set-up

New tires - Copertoni nuovi - neue Reifen

Schwalbe Marathon Plus

both in Norway and in Spain, after 3000 km I had to change the rear tire because it was complete worn out. This time I have choose these, let's see, they should be much better. 

 der Hinterreifen war aufgrund nach 3000 km aufgrund des schweren Gepäcks immer kaputt. Diesmal habe ich keine kosten gescheut :-) 

 di solito, raggiunti i 3000 km il copertone posteriore si tagliava sotto il peso del bagaglio, speriamo che questo sia più resistente, per sicurezza comunque mi porto uno di scorta.

Das Gepäck - Bagaglio

Almost ready, last check... just two o three things.

nur das Allernötigste :-)

Solo lo stretto indispensabile.

mercoledì 15 maggio 2019


Weeks, a lot of maps and guides to study and plan the route... however I already know that at the first intersection I will take the wrong way :-)  

Settimane e decine di mappe per studiare minuziosamente il percorso... tanto poi al primo incrocio, si sa che sbaglio strada e poi si finisce col pedalare a vista come sempre.

Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.

Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.

L'itinerario previsto - GPS track on Google Maps

from Vienna to Tallinn, 3150 km by bicycle

Tagliando alla bicicletta - Bike Service

La bici è pronta, io un po' meno visto che questa volta sono praticamente a digiuno di km, zero allenamento... 

Grazie al buon e bravo Fabio (nella foto, quello a destra), meccanico italiano a Vienna !

ci siamo quasi - almost ready - fast fertig

Biglietto per il volo di ritorno (Domenica 23.06) preso:

airBaltic :  Tallinn 06:45 - Vienna 08:05

Prezzo: 142,98 euro:

- 1 cabin bag, max 8 Kg + 4 Kg extra (+ 8,99 euro)
- 1 bag 20 Kg

+39,99 Euro for special equipment (bicycle) )

from Tallinn to airport: